Groups & Ministries


The Parish has been blessed with an able and committed Choir, which leads the community in liturgical worship. The Choir is literally charged with the duty of making known the theology of the Church, which has been expressed in its liturgical hymnography. Our Choir is directed by Rdr. Lasha Kvetenadze. Please speak with him if you are interested in joining the Choir.


Those who serve in this ministry play an important liturgical role in the reading of the Old Testament at Vespers, the Hours (a brief service consisting of psalms and short hymns), which are read prior to Divine Liturgy each week, and the Epistle at the Divine Liturgy.  Ten persons are currently blessed to read on a rotating basis.

Altar Servers

Altar servers assist the priest in the fulfillment of our liturgical cycle of prayer, and especially at the Divine Liturgy on Sunday. The servers carry candles to illuminate the Church, but also to announce the arrival of Christ our Lord in the solemn proclamation of the Gospel at Matins and Liturgy. According to Orthodox tradition, this ministry is open to male members of our Parish, both young and old.

The Sisterhood

A service ministry in our Parish, the Sisterhood of Saints Martha and Mary was formally established in October, 2001.  This ministry is open to the women members of our Parish and is open-ended and can involve whatever form of assistance may be needed: fundraising for the Parish, visiting the sick, housekeeping for the ill or elderly, preparation of meals, bazaars, flea markets, arts & crafts programs, and hosting celebrations for various events.

Church School Program

Divided into three classes to serve the different age groups of our children, the Church School Program is an integral part of our Parish life and one of the ways in which we educate the youth of the Parish in the faith of the Church. The program seeks to challenge our students by study, discussion, reading, and with practical opportunities for the young folks to serve both Church and community. Social events periodically offer them a chance to meet Orthodox Christians from other parishes. Each fall at our enrollment, the parents gather and, with their input, our calendar of events is prepared and circulated for the coming year. Our Church School Coordinator leads us in this program, with the assistance of our students, teachers and parents.

Parish Council

The Council is composed of nine (9) members in total: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, and four (4) Trustees.  The Council meets monthly, on the 2nd Sunday of each month, and assists the Pastor in the administration of the Parish.  Because of the conciliar nature of the Church, the Parish Council participates in decision making on all matters of substance in the life of the Parish.  Besides attendance and participation in these monthly meetings, membership on the Council involves the assumption of significant responsibilities.  Members expend considerable effort in the care and upkeep of the Parish, on a regular basis.

Essential Ministries

We have volunteers who regularly assist with the preparation and maintenance of the Parish Hall for Coffee Hour, each Sunday following the Divine Liturgy.  Many of our members take turns serving as Counters of the funds received in the weekly collection.  Our Church Cleaning schedule provides for the upkeep and cleanliness of the Church (including the Narthex, Nave and Altar areas).  Those who bake Prosphora, the bread offered each week in the Eucharist, play a vital role in the Liturgical worship of the community.

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